Your network is your net worth.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
Choose wisely.
Go to your 'lead action' place.
If you are studying, reading, writing, go the library. A place where people with these habits congregate. It makes it so much easier to see people engaged in the craft. You have no choice but to chase yours.
If you are trying to get in good physical shape, go to the gym. A place where the motivation is to build the body armour. You can team up with fellow warriors.
If you are trying to form healthy, lasting relationships, surround yourself with people that have that. Let the beaming example of connection and conversation wash over you. You have no choice but to rise to that level of energy.
As with anything in life, you will eventually get complacent.
Motivation will fade. Habits will subside.
This is inevitable.
You will choose the path of least resistance.
Armed with a good circle of people in your life, you will raise your stress threshold.
It will be that much easier to get back from a struggle...
... when you have a gang of people in your corner trying to get back up.
If you cannot change your circumstance, you can change your circle.
If you can change your circle, this will change your context.
Now, you can get back up against any challenge.
What is your biggest challenge?
Who is your starting five against that challenge?
Choose wisely.