
An uncontrollable force that no one wants to tame.
The missing link between idea and execution.
The missing link between delusion and identity.
You can go pretty far without it.
But you will be going the wrong way.
You will be taking on the challenge of life armed with the wrong mindset.
A lot of people can sit with an elephant in the room. They can do it for their entire lives. That elephant will get bored. It will start moving around. It will start taking up more space. It will start causing real chaos. You need to tame that elephant.
100,000 people pay to sit and watch a football game in a stadium.
22 people work hard to play a football game.
I am willing to bet almost all of the 100,022 had the idea to play football at the highest level. 22 executed the plan. This metaphor can extend to many things.
In what domains are you watching and hoping and dreaming?
In what domains are you competing for what you want?
What is stopping you from selling your ticket and lacing up for the game?
Get up from the sidelines. Act on your dreams.
A lot of people believe IN themselves. A lot of people do not believe themselves. It is easy to fall in love with the idea of achieving goals, being a better person, having better relationships...
Do you believe you can do it though?
Are you mentally indulging in the dopamine rush of telling people your goals, making vision boards, "manifesting"...?
Are you taking the lead by doing the thing, acting now, creating momentum, and being the new person?
Do away with delusion. Bring yourself up to speed. Hold yourself accountable.