What does my life look like?

What does my life look like?
- I wake up filled with intention and excitement to my days.
- I venture into my days with optimism, collectedness, and the willingness to take on spontaneity as it arises.
- I am in tune with a hobby that keeps me creative.
- I am in tune with a hobby that makes me money.
- I am in prime shape to run a full game of soccer or basketball.
- I am chasing a motivating fitness goal
- I am not worried about price, but about value.
- I am able to provide value toward cause(s) that contribute beyond myself.
- I have and maintain meaningful relationships with loved ones.
- I do not ruminate unnecessarily on the past or future. Keep in the present moment
- I finish my days knowing that I took care of the things within my control and staved off the worry on things beyond my control.
- Action turns dreams into reality.
My dream life is one that can't be dreamed about. It must be lived.
Macro Level
I need my life to be one where I am in full control of my choices.
Not a servant to money or the system. But, can leverage them as tools to live the best life possible for myself.
Money = Freedom and that's just it. Enough to not worry and enough to live care and worry free.
Where I feel the interconnectedness of my being and in relation of the world consistently moving towards betterment. (Mind - Body - Spirit)
Micro Level
I need my life to be where I am working towards things I care and am passionate about and not second guessing or falling for second rate because of external constraints.
Where I can take a vacation on a whim.
Fall into a new hobby with both feet.
Surrounded by people with mutual love and care
Being an embodiment of what my past self always wanted.
What Does It Take To Get There
Razor sharp focus on foundational habits that will produce effective outcomes in my life.
The diligence to stray away from temptations and distractions that can derail focus/energy.
Understanding the best part of any journey in life is the process.
Being a student of the craft at all times.
Understanding the value of community and belonging wherever applicable.
Living in the moment and appreciating the blessings that God has provided in my life.
Day In The Life
- focused work
- long contemplative walks
- intense training session
- tight-knit socialization
- reading a good book
- eating quality food
- no meetings
Anything that threatens this is perceived as a problem to fix with time and targeted effort.
Mottos to live by IN THE PRESENT
Live like there's a challenge in front of me.
Focus is said to be razor sharp like a knife: cuts through anything.
Work towards mastery of my human performance and life experience as if it may never be reached - cause there is always more to do and learn... and that is what gets you out of bed grateful to be alive.
Thanks for reading!✌️